Chasing Money!!!

Money!!! Money!!! Money!!! I see everyone is busy chasing it. Beggars asking for it outside temples, mosques, railway stations etc. Unemployed educated are in search of jobs, indirectly for money. Also taking illegal immoral means to get even a bit of it. The rich/businessmen are going global in search for more wealth. Taking illegal immoral means to get as much of it as possible. Its as if the world is not revolving around sun. Its revolving around money.

In those history lessons taught in school, 1 thing was prominent. Wealth, gems, stones, gold etc attracted our near neighbors from west.Invaders looting and plundering and burning villages/villagers/temples just for a few tonnes of gold. I used to wonder what they did with all the wealth and gold. Were they even able to carry all of them to their home towns or they did fight amongst themselves over more of it somewhere in the middle of their return journey. Could they ever sleep peacefully, aware of so much wealth with them and afraid of some other robber doing the same to him? Then came the whites from far far away. For the transfer of as much wealth as possible from India to England. At least these people brought tangible atrocities to strangers from a different land.

Citing some examples of the harm that goes invisible in this context. A rich old successful businessman threw a house warming party for a house bought at the posh location of the city. Clearly he did spent hell a lot of time and energy to buy that. Was very happy with his achievement. At the occasion, he was sitting quietly at one corner and sobbing. Why, because that day all the guests came but neither his wife nor his daughter were available with him to share that happy moment. The fact that he was upset clearly indicated he expected them to be available and nothing else should have been given more importance than being present with him else he would just have been upset and not weeping.

Then I once met an elderly person. He asked about my education and job. With pride he then said about his son being sent abroad by his firm for work. Earning in dollars etc etc. I just asked one thing, when was the last time you met him. There, he melted. Pride from his eyes were taken over by grief. He said his son is just not getting permission to visit India.Son's marriage is getting postponed. Etc. Could see the pain of his missing his son right through his eyes. Of course vice versa must also be true. I can go on and on.

I wonder how much is too much? Where to put a limitation line? When does saturation comes? Whom/what to give more importance than money at different walks of life? Honestly what I have come to understand is, when a person will depart from this world, it wont matter to her/him how many cars she/he owned, how many dollars remains in bank balance, how many flats he bought, how many i-phones and gadgets she/he used and flaunted. 1 or two less would cause no harm to anyone. What will matter is whether he/she could maintain a close bond with his/her loved ones. Was he present at good/happy times with them. Did he/she had a life filled with love and affection or it were mostly spent on chasing money. Whether he/she gets to meet his/her beloved one last time before dying or they are unavailable because they are chasing money.
I wonder which one will it be for me. Living to earn or earning to live.


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