Beyond the line of separation.

                             Today most of us are working in some company in some part of the globe. One thing I guess all must be following is to use 'we' or 'us' and not me or I. I too began to follow the same after stepping into the corporate world. Gradually I started to discover the wisdom behind this. I never faced insecutiry of being alone or left out . I never saw internal politics, conflicts and separation lines in my team. It created a sense of togetherness, a bond with the team members, whoever they were, wherever they were from. It was like we are together in our ups and downs. Something I decided to follow for the rest of my life because it was such a wonderful experience. 
                             This reminds me of one of my favourite movies '300' for various reasons. One being for the scene where the king Leonidus proudly explains the crippled the reason for not allowing him into his platoon of 300 soldiers because every soldier defends the soldier to his left apart from defending himself. Imagine every soldier being on its own fighting for his king and his life. Now tell him that his fellow soldier is also watching out for him. It gives him so much strength and confidence. It makes the army so much stronger and lethal.
                             In our childhood we all must have read some story whose moral would be- United we stand, divided we fall. We grew up and learnt in our history lessons that we were ruled and enslaved for centuries because we never thought singular, seldom stood together. Things I believe got worse post independence. Minorities, majorities, caste, creed, religion, gender. These were highlighted so that all get an equal chance to grow and develop. Somehow, the idea didnt fetch the desired results. We know this separation line has only got bolder over the years instead of fading.
                             Today our nation has elected its new PM and all of us know who it is. Congrats to all who wished to see him lead the country. To those who didnt, hope he is able to change your opinion about him over the coming years of his reign.
                              I dont have good knowledge of politics and how it works.I might sound naive but I am of the opinion that when every party wants to work for public welfare and their better tomorrow as they say loudly, they should be working in unison rather than insulting and fighting with each other. It should not matter much to be in direct power or not.
                              While listening to PM's speech post victory, I was delighted to hear him say he requests all those who lost elections to join hands with him and work together towards developing a strong nation. If this happens, its going to bring politics to a new level and our nation too as a whole. He also said that if each one from the 125 crore population takes one step towards development, it gets our nation 125 crore steps ahead. He sure is a thinker.
Now the question is like our PM, can we think of we before me. Like spartan soldiers, can we think of marching ahead together. Can we think of stepping beyond the line of separation.


  1. Great article RJ...
    just one thought even the 300 spartan soldiers who ambushed a much larger persian army at the pass of thermopile, was not able to get the support of larger athenians and the whole of greece. From the movie's point of view this was wrong on greek side which didnt go for war. The movie was made with the sole ambition of entertainment and history rewritten to glorify spartans, but if you read history on what is historically called 'stand of the 300', the war itself was due to spartans burning a persian city in a place thats now in syria or turkey.

    I might be sounding out of context, i just want to iterate your point that all parties want development but they have their own objectives and ways. and every damn one thinks only that is the correct one. Its the difference in opinion that has created the history and would continue to.

    But yes at some point we have to leave the difference and come together.


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